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Only the admin user (root) is allowed to create and restore backups of blockchain states.

While creating or restoring a backup the blockchain needs to be stopped. During that time errors might pop up in the frontend. Furthermore the MULTICHAIN_RPC_PASSWORD of the Blockchain Backup needs to be equal to the password that is currently in use, that should be the case using the default configuration.

Create a Backup


These section describes how to create a gzip file which contains the current blockchain state.


  1. Login into the frontend using the root user
  2. Click the button in the upper left corner to open the side-navigation-bar
  3. Click on the Download Button to create a backup of the current blockchain state
  4. Once the backup.gz file is downloaded you can rename it to whatever name you want

create backup

  • Only the root user is allowed to restore backups of blockchain states.
  • The MULTICHAIN_RPC_PASSWORD of the Blockchain Backup needs to be equal to the password that is currently in use.

Restore a Backup


These section describes how to restore a blockchain state with an backup file created/downloaded before.


  1. Login into the frontend using the root user
  2. Click the button in the upper left corner to open the side-navigation-bar
  3. Click on the Restore Button
  4. Select the backup that you want to restore
  5. When the backup is successfully restored you will be logged out You are now able to login with whatever user you want and should see the projects & subprojects from your backup.

restore backup

  • Only the root user is allowed to restore backups of blockchain states.
  • The MULTICHAIN_RPC_PASSWORD of the Blockchain Backup needs to be equal to the password that is currently in use.
  • During restoring errors might pop up in the frontend of other users connected
  • After successfully restored the blockchain state, the user is logged out.