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Trubudget Storage service

Environment Variables

To ensure all necessary environment variables are set correctly this section describes all environment variables across all services.

Env Variable nameRequiredDefault ValueDescription
STORAGE_SERVICE_PORTno8090The port used to expose the storage service. Value is a port with minimal value 0 and maximal value 65535
ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGINno*CORS configuration. Defaults to allow all origins.
RATE_LIMITno-Defines the limit each IP to RATE_LIMIT requests per windowMs (1 minute).
STORAGE_PROVIDERnominioSet to azure-storage if you use Azure Storage Account, otherwise defaults to minio.
MINIO_ACCESS_KEYnominioAccess key for Minio server.
MINIO_SECRET_KEYnominio123Secret (Password) for Minio server.
MINIO_HOSTnolocalhostHost/IP address of connected Minio server.
MINIO_PORTno9000Port of connected Minio server Value is a port with minimal value 0 and maximal value 65535
MINIO_PROTOCOLnohttpProtocol of connected Minio server. http or https.
MINIO_BUCKET_NAMEnotrubudgetBucket name of the connected Minio server
MINIO_REGIONnous-east-1Region where the bucket is created. This parameter is optional. Default value is us-east-1.
AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRINGnoDefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=devstoreaccount1;AccountKey=Eby8vdM02xNOcqFlqUwJPLlmEtlCDXJ1OUzFT50uSRZ6IFsuFq2UVErCz4I6tq/K1SZFPTOtr/KBHBeksoGMGw==;BlobEndpoint=http://host.docker.internal:10000/devstoreaccount1;QueueEndpoint=http://host.docker.internal:10001/devstoreaccount1;Connection string for Azure blob storage on Azure or locally on Azurite.
AZURE_STORAGE_PORTno10000Port on which Azurite is running. Required only with local development environment. Value is a port with minimal value 0 and maximal value 65535
AZURE_CONTAINER_NAMEnocontainerContainer name of the connected Azure blob storage. Container will be created if it doesn't exists.
LOG_LEVELnoinfoDefines the log output. Supported levels are trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal.