This document describes how to set up your environment to start developing and debugging the TruBudget application. If you want to contribute to TruBudget please check out the guidelines in the
Table of Contents
Software components
Working on Windows
If you are using a Windows operating system, we suggest using the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Our setup was tested on both versions of WSL (1 and 2 with Ubuntu as Distribution), but we suggest using WSL 2 due to the increased performance over WSL 1. More information about the two versions WSL1 and WSL2 Comparison. If you don't have the WSL setup on your Windows machine already, you can install it by following this guide by Microsoft. For older builds of Windows, which require manual installation, please follow this guide.
Updating and Upgrading Linux packages
Since Windows does not automatically upgrade the Linux packages, it is recommended to run the following command (for Ubuntu and Debian) in your Linux distro.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
Windows Terminal (Optional)
We recommend working with the Windows Terminal. You can install it from the Microsoft Store application. It works very well with the WSL.
Git already comes preinstalled with Linux Distributions on WSL. We highly recommend you to create an SSH key via following commands and add it to your GitHub.
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
If you directly pressed Enter during File prompt while generating new key, your public key file should be located under ~/.ssh/ by default.
Copy the contents of this file and add it to your GitHub account. For more information, please check the "Adding a new SSH key to your account" section on this guide by GitHub.
Docker/Docker Compose
The easiest way to setup the application on your machine is via Docker and Docker Compose. For installing Docker, follow the "Install using the repository" section of the following guide. (For Ubuntu)
Docker installation comes already bundled with Docker compose in new versions. One important thing to pay attention here is that the bash command is not docker-compose, but without the hyphen:
docker compose
This will be relevant in the Development Setup section down below.
Node.js / npm
Follow this guide to install Node.js/npm on WSL via the package manager.
If you are using a global installation of TypeScript, please make sure you have a version starting from 4.0.2
Project Setup
Clone Repository
Clone the repository from Github:
- SSH:
If you haven't done the SSH setup so far, please follow the instructions on how to setup your SSH-connection
git clone
git clone
For coding, we recommend the use of Visual Studio Code, which you can find here.
To ensure that the code is formatted properly we recommend following extensions for VS Code:
- aaron-bond.better-comments
- CoenraadS.bracket-pair-colorizer (deprecated, this extension is now built-in to VS-Code)
- dbaeumer.vscode-eslint †
- EditorConfig.EditorConfig
- esbenp.prettier-vscode
- pmneo.tsimporter
- rbbit.typescript-hero (deprecated, no longer maintained)
- xabikos.JavaScriptSnippets
- esbenp.prettier-vscode
† Have a look here to learn more about how to set up es-lint for validating TypeScript in VSCode
Chrome Developer Tools
If you are testing and debugging in Google Chrome, we recommend the following extensions:
awslabs/git-secrets is a tool to scan a repository for secrets, credentials or any unwanted text. We recommend to install git-secrets and setup git-hooks to prevent committing secrets. The setup-script(.githooks/ edits your local git-config located in .git. Changes made by
- change hooks-path to .githooks
- adds git-secrets-patterns listed in .githooks/git-secrets-patterns
How to install git-secrets?
Follow the instructions here or use homebrew
brew install git-secrets
How to setup?
Setup git-secrets by execute the shell script in the .githooks folder
cd .githooks
Environment variables
All projects in TruBudget (blockchain, api, frontend, etc) have a docker compose file that can be used to start the project with. In order to start the projects, some environment variables must be set. In order to make this easier, there are some files containing the environment variables called .env.example
in each project directory. To use these environment variables, simply copy the .env.example
file and rename it to .env
When you are setting the environment for the first time you can easily run bash scripts/
script which will create .env
files as well as do initial npm installation in all project folders.
Starting a network (composed of multiple services) via scripts uses the environment variables locally in the same directory as the script instead of individual .env files under each service. Path is usually scripts/*/.env
Do NOT use other additional ways to set environment variables like inline env-variables or env-variables defined by 'export'. Why? - Because these env-variables will overwrite each which makes it very hard to find mistakes.
Development Setup
If you want to start developing on Trubudget, you need to setup the application locally. This guide tells you how to start the blockchain, start the API, load up some test data and start the frontend.
Dockerized Application (recommended)
If you have installed Docker by following the above guide, then there is one extra step you have to do until this is fixed later. The scripts/development/ script file uses the "docker compose" command. However within your installation, the command is "docker compose". Until the script is modified to take this into consideration, you are required to change the "docker compose" commands in the script to "docker compose" locally. Using the IDE or nano/vim, change every "docker-compose" to "docker compose" before you start the script. Do NOT push these changes to the repository as this is only meant for local development.
This is the fastest way you can run all services needed for development. If you are starting application for the first time run bash scripts/
to setup .env files and install npm packages in all project folders. Then everything could be started in one command:
- in root directory execute:
bash scripts/development/ --slim
orbash scripts/development/ --full
This script uses the .env
- file under scripts/development/.env
for setting the environment variables.
Following services are dockerized with hot-reloading:
- Blockchain (alpha node)
- API (alpha API)
- Provisioning (feeds application with dummy data)
- Frontend
- Excel export
- Email notification
- Email Database
- Storage Service
- Minio Database (external document storage)
- Azurite (external document storage)
If the script is started with --slim
, only the Blockchain, API, Provisioning and Frontend will be started.
For further details how to use the script, print out its help section with bash scripts/development/ --help
It takes some time to build and run at the first launch. After that, source codes of all services are live reloaded. That means any change in ./src
folder is reflected in respective container automatically.
The frontend should be availaible as usual at http://localhost:3000
Docker Compose ensures that services are communicating and have correct environment variables set. Docker Compose puts all services in the same network and exposes needed ports.
You can inspect each container individually: docker logs --follow CONTAINER
. Where CONTAINER represents name of the service that can be found in the .yml
Hot reloading with docker requires a lot of processing power (due to docker volumes). If you experience huge delays while hot-reloading, you should start the services you need by yourself without docker.
TruBudget Services
The blockchain works as data layer for the Trubudget application. We suggest reading the file in the /blockchain
to have a better idea on how the blockchain layer works in TruBudget. Also, take a look at the multichain website to see how the multichain works.
We start by creating an instance of the blockchain.
- Navigate to the
folder and start your favourite shell.
cd docker-compose
Start docker if it is not running already
Set environment variables in the
file, or to use the default values use the.env.example
cp .env.example .env
- Create a blockchain instance
docker compose --project-directory . -f blockchain/docker-compose.alphanode.yml -f blockchain/local-build.docker-compose.yml up
The API takes care of the communication between the blockchain and the frontend and basically serves as backend. The API is developed using Node.js, with Fastify, Axios, Joi The proper setting of environment variables is important so the API can communicate with the blockchain correctly. Details regarding the environment variables can be found here.
The API is structured into layers (application layer, service layer, domain layer) and each of these layers has its own language. There is a README file in each of the layers, where the structure of the API and the current layer is described in detail. You can start by checking out this link to get more details.
To start the api open your favorite shell, navigate to your api folder and follow these instructions:
cd ../api
- Set environment variables
- Rename the .env.example file to .env and set following environment variables accordingly.
If the Trubudget has started without provisioning, only available user will be the root. The root user credentials are (by default):
Username | Password
root | root-secret
Default password for the root user can be changed via the environment variable ROOT_SECRET under .env file.
For more information about environment variables, see Environment Variables in TruBudget
- Install node-modules
- (Linux/Mac) Depending on your machine configuration, it might be necessary to install
brew install autoconf
brew install automake
- Terminal Mac/Git Bash
npm install
- Start the api
On Linux/Mac:
npm run dev
On Windows: Unfortunately hot reloading using nodemon is currently not working properly on Windows. It's therefore recommended to open two open 2 separate terminal windows. Navigate to the api folder and set the environment variables as described above. Make sure that the above environment variables are set in both terminal windows. In the first terminal window run
tsc --watch
In the second window run
npm install -g nodemon
nodemon dist
to start the api.
The API-Documentation should then be available at http://localhost:8080/api/documentation/index.html
Using Postman
One tool that can be used for REST calls is called Postman. There is a collection of API calls ready to be imported into Postman.
After initializing the blockchain and api, we can now start the frontend to visualize the data. For developing the frontend we use React, along with the Redux-Saga library and the Material-UI framework. You can check out the for more details about the frontend.
Navigate to the frontend folder:
cd ../frontend
- Set environment variables
- Rename the .env.example file to .env and set following environment variables accordingly.
Additionally you can connect the frontend to the optional excel export service, by adding the environment variables mentioned in the excel-export section of the
- Install node-modules
npm install
- Start the frontend
npm start
The frontend should then be availaible at http://localhost:3000
If you change the port of the api you may have to consider to change the proxy port in the
Provisioning (Optional)
This part will initiate the blockchain with test user and project data. The environment variables for this step differ slightly from the ones for the API, so please set them accordingly. You can skip this part if you don't want to have initial test data on your blockchain. Check out the for more details.
cd ../provisioning
- Set environment variables
- Rename the .env.example file to .env and set following environment variables accordingly.
- Install node-modules
npm install
- Start the provisioning
npm start
Excel-Export (Optional)
There is a service that exports TruBudget data into an Excel sheet. For exporting we use the npm package exceljs. The service is a node package and needs to be started separately. More details regarding the excel-export service can be found in the
To start the service locally, follow these commands:
cd ../excel-export-service
- Set environment variables
- Rename the .env.example file to .env and set following environment variables accordingly.
- Install node-modules
npm install
- Start the service
npm start
The service is then available either on the host and port set by the environment variable or localhost:8888
by default.
in order to access the excel export service from the UI, you should start the frontend with some additional environment variables as mentioned in the excel-export section of the frontend file.
Another way to start the excel export service is in a docker container. Using the docker compose file in the excel-export folder will build the whole application including api, blockchain, frontend and excel-export service at the same time.
Email-Notification (Optional)
The email notification service is responsible for saving/deleting email adresses per Trubudget user in a connected database. These email addresses are used to send configurable notifications to a connected SMTP server.
If you want to start this service or simply see more details regarding this feature you can check out the file.
Storage-Service (Optional)
The storage service is responsible for saving/accessing documents to Minio or Azure blob storage, both an external storage server.
More details and how to enable the storage service with an external storage can be found in file.
End-to-end Tests
Before checking in, you should always run the end-to-end test which explores / tests the whole functionality of the application. For end-to-end testing we use the testing framework Cypress. If you want to start all e2e-tests to check if your changes are not breaking any stuff we recommend the Docker Compose Setup. More details regarding the environment variables can be found in the README file.
Before running the tests you should make sure that the application is started (including the excel export service if needed) and that you first run the provisioning. In order for the backup_spec tests to pass you should also start the project with the same configurations (Organization and RPC Password). When running the e2e-tests locally, you have to make sure that the password used for authentication as root user in the test matches the one used in the project that is currently running, otherwise some tests can fail because of an "Authentication failed" error.
If you are using WSL on Windows check out this setup to run cypress in WSL.
To setup a new TruBudget instance with Docker Compose, run following command (recommended):
bash scripts/development/ --slim
If you do not want to use Docker, you can setup all service by yourself with npm start
cd e2e-test
In the e2e-test
folder you can run the following commands:
Before you run cypress, you need to specify the environment variables (such as Organization, URLs of fronted, api, excel export, email service) in the .env* file. If you have not .env* file, create one and copy the content from /e2e-test/.env.example* to /e2e-test/.env*. For more information see Environment variables
npm run cypress
npm run e2etest
or through the Cypress frontend under settings.
For further information see the of /e2e-test
The .env file is needed.
Unit Tests
Before checking in, you should always create unit tests for the implemented part. For unit testing we use the testing framework Mocha with Chai as assertion library.
Following command executes all spec.js files in the src folder:
cd api
npm run test
Following command executes all spec.js files in a specific folder (e.g. project) located in the src folder:
cd api
npm run test:here <folderName>
Following command executes a specific test group (e.g. "Updating a project") defined within spec.js files in a specific folder (e.g. project) located in the src folder. The test group is defined with the describe function of mocha.
cd api
npm run test:here <folderName> <describeString>
The CI/CD is described here
Here you can find a summary of all the technologies used in TruBudget with links to their websites and documentation